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Факти - Page 3 Empty Re: Факти

Писане by urawa_reds Сря Мар 24, 2010 11:26 pm

билетите веднага са изкупеи....уау...и 50 държави...горкия...ще се съсипе,но може да спечели много фенове...а и все пак танцува за своя идол майкъл джексън....да му стискаме палци всичко да му мине като по вода....
DBSK Mega Fan

Брой мнения : 3164
Местожителство : edmonton,ab,canada


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Факти - Page 3 Empty Re: Факти

Писане by Yamashita Нед Апр 18, 2010 4:51 pm


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Факти - Page 3 Empty Re: Факти

Писане by urawa_reds Чет Апр 22, 2010 1:02 am

юноу го пропуснахме с тази новина...
DBSK Mega Fan

Брой мнения : 3164
Местожителство : edmonton,ab,canada


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Факти - Page 3 Empty Re: Факти

Писане by purple_line Чет Апр 22, 2010 5:11 am

леле много е хубав pucca fall in love I love U
DBSK Mega Fan

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Факти - Page 3 Empty Re: Факти

Писане by urawa_reds Съб Май 01, 2010 8:31 pm

DBSK Mega Fan

Брой мнения : 3164
Местожителство : edmonton,ab,canada


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Факти - Page 3 Empty Re: Факти

Писане by purple_line Съб Май 01, 2010 8:35 pm

четох някъде че Юноу бил способен да дразни едно момиче толкова,че да я разплаче...Юноу не те ли е срам???? Shocked
DBSK Mega Fan

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Факти - Page 3 Empty Re: Факти

Писане by urawa_reds Съб Май 15, 2010 6:30 pm

мале...и аз искам така....ох....мечти мечти....добре че са безплати....лол..
DBSK Mega Fan

Брой мнения : 3164
Местожителство : edmonton,ab,canada


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Факти - Page 3 Empty Re: Факти

Писане by urawa_reds Вто Юни 08, 2010 3:13 am

DBSK Mega Fan

Брой мнения : 3164
Местожителство : edmonton,ab,canada


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Факти - Page 3 Empty Re: Факти

Писане by purple_line Вто Юни 08, 2010 7:39 am

леле Shocked мн ми харесва в тая униформа... текат лиги
DBSK Mega Fan

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Факти - Page 3 Empty Re: Факти

Писане by VeSsiNceT0 Сря Юни 09, 2010 11:14 pm

Йее много се зарадвах,че са го избрали точно за ролята на Шин и на външен вид има лееека прилика и наш Юно е високичък като Шин ,и слабичък ,и с хубава с усмивка(дори и по-хубава Very Happy )..само че Шин във сериала беше един студен,груб ,а Юно не мога да си го представя такъв Very Happy

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Факти - Page 3 Empty Re: Факти

Писане by urawa_reds Чет Юни 10, 2010 5:58 am

нз ама по някога му отива да е студен...мухахахаха
вес ето ти няколко снимки ако не ги знаеш..аз няма да те оставя докато не кажеш искам юноу ...чу ли
DBSK Mega Fan

Брой мнения : 3164
Местожителство : edmonton,ab,canada


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Факти - Page 3 Empty Re: Факти

Писане by urawa_reds Пон Юни 14, 2010 1:07 am

There's a lot. First of all, one who treats her job seriously and is
hardworking. And I like those who have strong personalities. It is
because in Korea, there is a trend that everyone tends to follow,
everyone has the same character. However Japanese females have
different kinds of personalities, including the good and bad one,
which I think is good. I like jeans with T-shirt, sneakers this type
of leisure clothes, however I do anticipated in those who are wearing
neatly in working lady's suit.

Ideal type? (lol) That's right... Because I am the one who is always
like to act strong, therefore I always been in the lead position in a
relationship, so I think to be led in the next relationship is not bad

And there is another issue that needed to be considered for, is the
differences in the way to handle relationship between Japanese and
Korean people.

Korean men are willing to pour all their efforts for the ladies, which
is weak in front of the ladies. Although I dare to say that is also
one kind of charm. (lol) Koreans are paying attention to
anniversaries, for a couple there are 100th day , 200th day, 1 year,
1000th day anniversary... and continuously. Of course during these
period of time there are also birthday, Valentine's Day, Christmas,
and those basic anniversaries have to be taken into consideration too.
Thus, there is a lot of people who are following this trend, hence
established a special type of company which is in charged of planning
the anniversary. Once you log in the account, they will help you from
booking the hotel on anniversary day till preparing the bouquet.
Hehe...Recently, I helped a couple who are my friends to plan for the
anniversary. The candles were lit at both sides of the road, then let
the girl walked through in the middle, my friend just stood at the end
of the road and confessed to her, this plan is really a big success!
Since this is my own idea, I feel so happy as if my own business.

In that way, what's your own plan to confess?

Actually I do imagine it quite often(lol). Rent a whole baseball
stadium, hold a concert only for her, use a large screen to confess to
her, or maybe I will turned into a DJ hosting a special radio program
while broadcasting the songs that I composed especially for her and so
on, while pretending to read out audience's postcard to confess to
her. This is what I really wanted to do for her, but all revealed
once said! (lol) \(^o^)/

Source: baidu
Trans by: LoveInTheIce@DBSKnights

ето какво юноу би направил за романтияен разговор+среща...муахахахахааха
DBSK Mega Fan

Брой мнения : 3164
Местожителство : edmonton,ab,canada


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Факти - Page 3 Empty Re: Факти

Писане by TheDarkRain Чет Юни 17, 2010 2:31 pm

1. Is the best fighter.
2. He has the deepest thoughts.
3. he likes to write stories especially when it is raining. *so romantic... * in love2
4. he took on numerous odd jobs to pay for his sisters tution fees during the ninth grade.Some of them were:sprinkling snow with sand so that people do not slip and tying up bottles for recycling.(this was during korea's depression)He also used to sleep in the train station.(he didnt care where he slept last time because during that time he thought that having enough sleep is the most important.)
5. He had his tooth fixed because he said it was bothering him and his singing. *really??*
6. He can reach the lowest in the group. *but he's the second tallest??*
7. during debut he was the fatest in the group and he had man boobs o_0 lol(Ya shim man man)He had to do special exercise to get fat away around THAT area.
8. sleeps diagonally. *me too*
9. he wakes up the earliest and wakes the other members. * according to some UFO replies...it's Changmin that wakes everyone up...*
10. he LOVES little children.He wants to have 25 kids..you should think twice before becoming his wife hahah:P *...that's a little too much...* spirit
11. he loves music.he has written a song 'spokesman'.It is a rock-ish song.It's mostly rapping.I recommend you on listening because he screamed WOAH!!power.(he performed it in their rising sun concert and in a episode of NEW XMAN.)
12. he is responsible.
13. he is very dedicated in his career.
14. he wants to be a PD if he was not a singer.
15. his first performance was not with dbsk but it was in dana's diamond.
16. people mistake him to be with Dana but he said clearly that they were just very close friends.Dana also said they were just friends.
17. he has two scars on his face.
18. he admires the girl from the drama my sassy girl. *lucky girl...*
19. he used to be quite short. *how short...?*
20. he is very competitive.(He said that he is competitive not that he WANTS to win but he said that he always tries his best in everything he do because he wants to lose without feeling that he could have done better.)
21. has a mole on the left side of his mouth.
22. is christian.I'm guessing his catholic because he goes to catholic university.
23. he does not like to cry in public.
24. he can do break dance. *that's obvious right?*
25. he wears glasses. *he does?? *
26. he says he his flaw is his small face. * believe me, it's not...your face is fine, yunho oppa...*
27. he has 4 piercings.
28. he has NO tatoos.
29. he smokes/use to smoke.It is unknown whether he stopped.
30. members say that he is very manly and very sexy in a manly way.All members respect him alot.
31. He is the only member that was never mistaken to be a girl.(LOL) *absolutely*
32. he likes to tease girls until they cry.For a good example watch the special Xman episode with Yuri hahahaha..LOL
33. During the scene in Yunho's Tokyo Holiday where he was saying that he was the best member in DBSK(LOL Micky is a playboy,Jaejoong loves to comb Barbie dolls hair and Max and Xiah LOL LOL!!!)Yunho was afraid to say he was the best and he felt awkward.(he was afraid the other members will get angry at him.)
34. he was poisoned by the anti-fan during the filming of heroin 6.He was so kind he did not want to press charges on that girl because he said the girl was almost same age with his sister. * *
35. (I think it was him)Some of the members from super junior(I forgot which one)knew that Yunho bought a leather jacket.They told Yunho that to know whether the jacket was fake or real he had to burn it.Of course they were kidding.But Yunho really burn the jacket and bye bye jacket. * ...poor him...no poor the jacket....* Факти - Page 3 720927
36. he likes to steal food from the other members.
37. he actually has a korean dialect.
38. he has one younger sister and a dad and mom.His dad and mom used to be fighting to become school president.In the end they fell in love with each other) *ah...so romantic...*
39. Yunho was supposed to debut in a 5 or 4 member group with Jaejoong and the others were super junior members. *that group was supposed to be Four seasons...with Heechul and KangIn from Suju...*
40. Yunho takes a LONG time in the shower.Xiah says that he sings at least 3 songs and does 3 dance routines in the bathroom(LOL) * * Мир
41. his mini looks very up to him and wants to be like Yunho when he grows up. *that's good for him...*
42. Yunho used to teach dancing. *handsome teacher...*
43. Yunho(or jaejoong)asks Xiah for advice on how to have expression during singing.
44. Yunho(and/or Xiah)gets very serious before a performance so DON'T TALK TO HIM.hahaha...
45. after a very stressful day of work Yunho was walking I think in his hallway than he saw a little girl holding a doll.And he cried.Micky was with him but Micky did not see the 'dirty thing' but he also cried(LOL). *the dirty thing? what's that?*
46. Yunho was caught wacthing 'special videos' and he said it was a school assignment. *how special??*
47. Yunho brings his bambi doll everywhere he goes...(he call's it his daughter).

Брой мнения : 52
Местожителство : София

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Факти - Page 3 Empty Re: Факти

Писане by purple_line Чет Юни 17, 2010 3:36 pm

TheDarkRain написа:

28. he has NO tatoos.

ГРЕШКААААААААА!!!!това ще да е било отдавна защото Юноу има тату...
всъщност нз защо ама не го възприемам с тату...въпреки имиджа на bad boy(
Embarassed i love it) не му ходи...

Факти - Page 3 21 тука е закрита с фон дьо тен...личи се леко...

Факти - Page 3 Baa8853559ae9566c1f2e19bfe9e83e31227270371_full HERE IT IS!!!
DBSK Mega Fan

Брой мнения : 878
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Факти - Page 3 Empty Re: Факти

Писане by TheDarkRain Чет Юни 17, 2010 4:40 pm

Еми то това си е доста старичко. Very Happy

Брой мнения : 52
Местожителство : София

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Факти - Page 3 Empty Re: Факти

Писане by purple_line Чет Юни 17, 2010 7:16 pm

знам...но за неинформираните или тези които не са виждали...надявам се няма такива,но по-добре всичко отколкото нищо Very Happy
DBSK Mega Fan

Брой мнения : 878
Местожителство : VT


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Факти - Page 3 Empty Re: Факти

Писане by urawa_reds Пет Юни 18, 2010 1:40 am

това не е истинска татуировка...ама вобще не е истинска ако е сте забелязали...а на мен мн ми харесва акото е в ситл лошо момче мисля че му отива
DBSK Mega Fan

Брой мнения : 3164
Местожителство : edmonton,ab,canada


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Факти - Page 3 Empty Re: Факти

Писане by purple_line Пет Юни 18, 2010 6:45 am

е как не е ....
DBSK Mega Fan

Брой мнения : 878
Местожителство : VT


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Факти - Page 3 Empty Re: Факти

Писане by urawa_reds Пет Юни 18, 2010 6:50 am

ами не е...
Факти - Page 3 1223898885_mirotic1
Факти - Page 3 20100328_yunho_2
DBSK Mega Fan

Брой мнения : 3164
Местожителство : edmonton,ab,canada


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Факти - Page 3 Empty Re: Факти

Писане by purple_line Пет Юни 18, 2010 6:56 am

ахмм..явно не е наистина...въпреки че четох че я закриват с грим...
DBSK Mega Fan

Брой мнения : 878
Местожителство : VT


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Факти - Page 3 Empty Re: Факти

Писане by urawa_reds Пет Юни 18, 2010 7:05 am

Факти - Page 3 54785360201003211001343b
не мисля че и с глим го закриват...мисля че е била фалшива и толкова...
п.с. лека нощ..аз ще си лягам че тук при мен е вечер..лол
DBSK Mega Fan

Брой мнения : 3164
Местожителство : edmonton,ab,canada


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Факти - Page 3 Empty Re: Факти

Писане by purple_line Пет Юни 18, 2010 7:15 am

УАУ!! лека и мека...да сънуваш фалшиви татута на Юноу... Very Happy
DBSK Mega Fan

Брой мнения : 878
Местожителство : VT


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Факти - Page 3 Empty Re: Факти

Писане by Edi_xD Пет Апр 01, 2011 11:39 am

хайде нещо и от мен , сори ако е казвано

ако някой все пак не знае - Юнхо също пуши ..- доказано е

Факти - Page 3 Tumblr_lbt28sRu1C1qcdccto1_250
изглежда прекрасно дори и когато пуши ...
in love

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Местожителство : Благоевград

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Факти - Page 3 Empty Re: Факти

Писане by purple_line Нед Апр 03, 2011 2:08 pm

оф....тоя техния гаден навик да пушат....ще ги съсипе някои ден...
DBSK Mega Fan

Брой мнения : 878
Местожителство : VT


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